Iako su zidine Iločke utvrde podignute u obranu od osmanlijskih napada, Turci su Ilokom ipak gospodarili od 1526. do 1688.
U gradu su sačuvani spomenici islamske kulture, vrlo rijetki u ovim krajevima – grob uglednoga Turčina «turbe», mauzolej koji se nalazi u dvorištu dvorca i obredna kupelj «hamam», adaptirana gradska kula.
Zanimljiva je paralela sa turskim osvajanjem Iloka i predajom Iloka u domovinskom ratu: naime, budući su građani Iloka grad predali Turcima za njihovog osvajanja 1526g. grad je bio pošteđen turske pljačke i ostao neporušen.
Slična se stvar dogodila 1991. kada je u agesorskom ratu Ilok predan u ruke bivše JNA a građani protjerani i iseljeni bez rušenja grada.
Turbe, koje se nalazi na gradskom platou, istočno od današnjeg dvorca Odescalchi.
Turbe je baldahinskog tipa i pripada nekadašnjem groblju koje se nalazilo uz džamiju, čiji se ostaci danas nalaze pod zemljom ;
At the very entrance to Ilok, a large brown board proclaims the attractions of the town. If it wasn't there, you might think you're entering a town which is no different from any other town along the Danube. After just a hundred meters, the first winery comes into sight. The story of wine is the story of Ilok. Ilok is a wine town, wine is the life of Ilok. In the town center, you can go down the road to the left or to the right, both directions are open to you. If you go right, you'll reach the Lower Town, the part of Ilok by the Danube bank. There you'll see the promenade, a beautiful place for rest and relaxation, together with a beautiful view of Ilok's Medieval center, raised above the Danube, dominant and unwavering in its splendor. You'll reach it if you go left by the road mentioned earlier. This road leads to Ilok's Medieval center. The old fortress with St. John of Capistrano's church is located in the town center, in the lush green of the parks. In the middle of the fortress built in the late 14th and early 15th century are the foundations of St. Peter's parish church, where archaeological research started in 2006, and an archaeological park is to be established here in the near future. The Odescalchi Castle is largely a medieval building, most likely built by Ilok's most famous ruler Nicholas of Ilok. He was the king of Bosnia and minted his own money. Later, the castle underwent many renovations and reconstructions. From 1697, the castle was owned by the Odescalchi family, who encouraged the development of viticulture and the economy in general. For more than a century and a half, Ilok had been ruled by the Turks. They left behind some monuments of Islamic architecture, namely the turbe – the tomb of a prominent Turk, and the hammam – the ceremonial baths. All this can be seen and experienced in a relatively small area, with one monument of exceptional value next to another. To round it off, as a point of relaxation and pleasure, we have saved up the old wine cellar located below the Odescalchi castle. After visiting the centuries-old wine cellar, you can taste the finest Syrmian wines and meet the dawn in the beautiful town on the bank of the Danube.
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